Stop Reading This Post. Then Go Make Something!

Favourite Oscar moment: Glen Hansard, 2007. Hansard is an Irish musician and star of the beautiful little film, Once. Scruffy and out-of-place amidst the glitter, he stood clutching one of those coveted statuettes after winning the Oscar for Best Original Song and conveyed a singular message to the billions watching: "Make art."

There are few things that compare to the remarkable feeling of creating something new--and I'd venture to guess that this feeling is heightened when you encounter some pain and frustration along the way. If the process was all rosy and easy, I think it would imply that we weren't pushing ourselves to new places beyond our comfort zone. And beyond the comfort zone seems to be where all the good stuff lies, right?

A few months ago, I read about an amazing little project, conceived by San Francisco-based artist, designer, and writer, Elle Luna. It's called the 100-Day Project, which Elle describes as "a celebration of process that encourages everyone to participate in 100 days of making. The great surrender is the process; showing up day after day is the goal. For the 100-Day Project, it’s not about fetishizing finished products—it’s about the process."

Do you want to get on board? Your project could be about anything, really, but the only hard-and fast rule is committing to 100 days of ritual.

My project: writing one page of fiction per day.

The 100-Day Project starts tomorrow, April 6. You can read more about it here!