Well, hi there. If you like blogs about all-or-nothing, not-for-the-meek renovating, you might enjoy our story. If you asked our friends, they'd probably describe us as serial renovators (or, perhaps, suckers for punishment.) What makes this project different is the 1939 house we hope to call home for a very long time.
I'm Nicole, the member of our family most prone to meddling in the day-to-day affairs of our renovation team. It's okay. They learned to love it--especially since my requests always came bundled alongside a few fancy pastries. I see no shame in a little sugar-infused bribery.
What makes me happy: writing, photography, design and Roger Federer (we'll save that last fixation for another blog.) Few things are better than a pile of magazine back issues and the new insights that a second (or third, or fourth) read may offer. There is so much to learn from the creativity of others. Perhaps I can pay-it-forward and provide a small amount of inspiration to someone, somewhere in the things I create.
Enjoy the read and thanks for stopping by!